
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Evil Rainforest of Death?

I'm going to go completely off the tracks with this one so bear with me. What if Through the Arc of the Rainforest were actually an allegory about how dangerous and malevolent the rainforest is? Don't get me wrong, Through the Arc was actually my favorite novel out of all the ones we read in class, but I think it is interesting to read it as an anti-environmentalist novel, even though this is clearly not the case. My main argument for this assertion is all of the death and destruction that happens within the Amazon during the course of the novel. In the end, only a small handful of the cast of main characters are left standing and it is still on very shaky, matacao ground.

Rainforest Schmainforest PictureThere is an episode of South Park that also deals with the existence of the rainforest as a threat to mankind. Throughout the episode the characters have to continually escape from the clutches of animals, insects, and the native people of the Amazon. At the end of the episode, this message is posted: "Each year, the Rainforest is responsible for over three thousand deaths from accidents, attacks or illnesses. There are over seven hundred things in the Rainforest that cause cancer. Join the fight now and help stop the Rainforest before it's too late."

The South Park episode was the first thing i thought of when I began reading this novel and it was in the back of my head the whole time thereafter. Although Yamashita's novel is obviously a satire, what if it was not? The rainforest is an incredibly dangerous place and I think an argument could be made as to Through the Arc at least partially being about the many horrors of the rainforest and warning everyone to stay far away from it. After all, pretty much everyone is dead by the end of the novel and many of those deaths are due to Typhus, which they contracted from feathers of birds found in the rainforest. 

South Park:


  1. The rainforest is a very dangerous place, but cutting it down is supposedly ine of the things that causes Manbearpig to appear

  2. Rainforest isn't dangerous. Rainforest is dangerous for humans. Not all places in the world should welcome humans nor should each place dangerous for humans be torn down.

    1. You’re retarded,
      Go kill yourself fagget…

    2. I was talking to the comment above me, to be clear.

    3. The whole rainforest should be cleared for farming such as trees for palm oil, livestock grazing, and housing and businesses. It would make so many harmful animals and insects extinct and make so much money for business men. Most of our oxygen comes from the ocean, not the rainforest. Think of the beautiful furniture and figures, beautiful exposed beams in houses those trees would make. Maybe keep a few acres here and there as a preserve of what the rainforest used to look like but that’s it. Real progress.

  3. Regardless of how dangerous and loss of life the rainforest is responsible for, it's a small price to pay for the greater good of providing 20% of earth's oxygen.

  4. No matter how important the rainforest is and protecting it is I bet most people who comment to this don't do anything to help the environment. Most people wait for earth day before they act on giving a damn about the earth and nature.

    1. Yup,
      Retarded hypocritical fake ass liberals

  5. Dang. Replys on these comments are using slurs like no other.
