
Friday, January 27, 2012

Favorite poem

The poem from the Adrienne Rich packet on page 71 was one of my favorites.  The final couplet:
 "All those joinings! and yet we fought so hard to be unique.  
Neither alone, nor in anyone's arms, will we end up sleeping."
The first line is bringing out a truth amongst humanity that is in its own way an oxymoron.  We all have in common the desire to be different, which makes us not so different in the end.  I know I am not a pro at this and what I'm saying is probably blatant to the rest of the class, I just felt this poem was aimed at our age group in particular (college student).  

On a different note, in the same poem (first line second couplet), I felt the phrase "appearance behind the reality" should be the other way around, and I guess I'm looking for some input on why the author had put it the way she did.  My interpretation is that she is saying we are forced to be fake just for appearance, and that since we allow this, it becomes reality.  So is this line referring to conformity or is there more to it then that?

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