
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Home and the World

This is a very good novel.  I enjoyed reading it.  Of course through, there are things I like about it and things I do not, and there are characters I like in it and there are characters I did not care for.  I do not care for Sandip and Bimala.  It seems as though Sandip thinks too highly of himself.  Yes we learn he is an educator and he speaks as though he is a philosopher, but he seems to always refute everything Nikhil has to say.  Not only does he seem to always have to disagree with Nikhil, Sandip goes on and on refuting him.  I also did not care much for Sandip because I felt as though he knew what he was doing in stealing Nikhil's wife away.  It is very inappropriate and just disgusting that Sandip would do such a thing.  I feel bad for Nikhil.

I feel bad for Nikhil that Bimala fell out of love with him because she was seduced by Sandip because Nikhil seems like he is a good guy.  Nikhil seems like he has a good heart, good intentions, and he treats Bimala with respect.  Nikhil treats her with more respect then women were treated with during this time period in this place.  One time in specific that my heart breaks for Nikhil is when he is in their bedroom, their bedroom he never goes in anymore.  I feel bad for him because he feels like he is doing something wrong by being in their bedroom.  He expresses that he feels "like a wrong-doer, a trespasser, prying into a secret not meant for [him]" ( Tagore 87).  I feel bad for him because he feels so disconnected from Bimala that he feels strangger in his own room.  This is heart breaking to me.

This is a link to a clip I found on  In its subtitles you can read all about what this guy delivering the speech was saying about the Swadeshi movement.  I believe that Bimala was attracted to Sandip largely because of his obsession with the movement and his obsession with having her be a big part of the movement. 

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you had your post connect to the movie because I was unable to attend the showing of it. It has also helped me visualize the events of the book better
