
Tuesday, March 27, 2012


 The relationship between blacks and whites on the island has been tense for years beginning during the days of slavery.  In order for there to be justification for the unfair balance of power between the slaves and masters, negative stereotypes are created. The slaves are believed to be lazy, dirty, unkempt and extremely passionate individuals. Yet even with the end of slavery and the grant of freedom to the blacks, the stereotype surrounding them continues to persist. The relationship between the whites and blacks were usually hostile and lacked any form of intimacy, pre and after slavery. Christophine challenges the stereotypes associated with people of color and shows loyalty to her former master. “She was much blacker-blue-black with a thin face and straight features. She wore a black dress, heavy gold earring and a yellow handkerchief-carefully tied with two high points in front. No negro woman wore black or tied her handkerchief Martinique style.”(60-8) She is not dirty or unkempt about rather has a unique sense of style. Even though, she is poor, Christophine takes pride in her appearance and presents herself with beauty. This is unlike her white former masters who have been deprived of their material possessions and therefore appear as plain and dirty. At same time, the stereotype about whites was that they were all handwriting and rich people without any want. “Real white people, they got gold money”(37-38). However, Antoinette’s family is not rich and they were lacking in even simple material possessions like food and clothing. In order to survive, they require the company of Christophine to make ends meet.

The author in her portrayal of the characters’ in positions opposite to those associated with their race, to bring to mind the impact of stereotypes on a community. The blacks in the community make fun of Antoinette’s family for not living up to their standards of being rich but rather poor and in want. The whites also separate themselves from the company of her family due to their financial ruin. The harsh treatment, she and her mother received from both ends only make their horrible situation even worse.  The negatives effects of stereotypes are therefore not limited to situation where certain people obtain privilege or unjust treatment over others. Even when, people unconsciously adhere to the stereotypes assigned to themselves or others and do not look beyond context. For example, Tia could not see white people in the context of poverty because she unconsciously believes only blacks are  to be poor. It blinded her from seeing the true nature of Antoinette’s life and show more understanding towards her. 

During last friday's class discussion, there was mention that the reason for hostility towards  Antoinette was because of the changes in the social structure. Given that blacks/slaves who were at the bottom are now slowly making their way up the social ladder whiles white Creoles are stuck in an awkward position. This is a video that illustrates the changes in society as the place of former power are displaced and those at the bottom are making their way up.

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