
Friday, February 17, 2012

The Ghazal-Beauty

The idea of the Ghazal is a beautiful concept.  I am an English major so I have come across poetry many times.  But, the style of the Ghazal and what it stands for is a different way of expressing poetry and I have come to develop a great appreciation for the Ghazal.  American poetry has rules that many modern poets try to break away from and the Ghazal is the same way.  As explained in the article Masterpieces of Urdu Ghazal from 17th to 20th Century the rules in writing a Ghazal consist of: a sher-five to fifteen couplets that rhyme, the matla-the first sher, the radif-meaning that the second line of all the shers must end in the same word or words, and the kaafiya-an internal rhyme before the radif (3-4). The structure of the Ghazal is unique to the Eastern culture. 
Although there were guidelines set in place for how to write a Ghazal, just like modern American poetry, Ghazals too are breaking away from the traditional form.  Also, the words get lost in translation.  For example if the same word is on the second line of all the shers, it is that way written in Urdu, however; in English when words are translated it will not look like there is the same word on the second line of all the shers because the words are not the same after they are translated!  The words change when they are translated. 
Aside from the problems with translating from Urdu to English, the Ghazal is still unique.  What makes the Ghazal unique is what they are based on.  The Ghazal is written, according to the article Ghazals of Ghalib on “intense moral privacies; and of love—not about love, but of love” (xxiii).  In American poetry we write about love; how it hurts, how it is good, how it makes our existence, etc.  In Urdu they write of love.  Although I appreciate American poetry I also have a great respect how the Ghazal writes on love differently.
I found a Ghazal on  I like this Ghazal not only for the words but also for the music, which brings me to another aspect of the Ghazal that I like.  I like how they sing their poetry and although it is not in this video, but I like how the people dress up and dance.  The music in this Ghazal is a bit sad and depressing, but it sounds that there is a glimmer of hope.  And from the words that make up the Ghazal the music reflects the mood of the music.  Of course there are places where it is obvious that some words and meaning were lost in translation.  But although this problem occurs, this Ghazal still has a lot of meaning and it is still beautiful.


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